Animals Name In Spanish
Below you will find a vocabulary list of animals in spanish.
Animals name in spanish. This is why the following lesson is about the names of animals in spanish which includes a full list of animals in spanish with their english translations. águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in spanish of the animals that are living on earth. Kangaroo el canguro. The boy really loves his cat.
This free audio lesson on animals in spanish is one of the easier topics to learn and remember. Abeja bee abelha. Mammals birds fish other aquatic animals reptiles amphibians and insects earth invertebrates. Spanish animal names used in sentences.
Click to learn demonstrative pronoun esto el león es un mamífero que vive en el centro y el sur de áfrica. Come and learn the names of different animals in spanish. Words in bold added during the last update el camaleón cambió su color. Avispa wasp vespa.
Here you have a list with 50 names of animals to practice and expand your vocabulary. Nouns in spanish can be either feminine or masculine and this distinction can often seem illogical to people who don t speak spanish. For instance a table la mesa is feminine while a desk el escritorio is masculine. águila eagle águia.
So what happens with animals. Es fuerte y muy rápido. Names of animals in spanish la abeja bee el alacrán scorpion la jirafa giraffe el alce moose la lagartija lizard el águila eagle el. The lion is a mammal that lives mainly in the center and south of africa.
Snake la culebra. It s strong and very fast. Giraffe el jirafa. The elephant is big.
El pájaro carpintero esta maravilloso. Alba and ethan will take you on adventur. Monkey el mono. El elefante es grande.
As many of the spanish animal words are comfortingly close to the english equivalent. Gorilla la gorilla. The woodpecker is. Spanish as numerous words for groups of animals with the collective noun used depending on the species and where the animals are found.
Ballena whale baleia. Learn animals name in spanish and take advantage of our easy to use to learn spanish vocabulary words. Did you know some animal noises are different in spanish. Araña spider aranha.
The chameleon changed its color. Here are some sentences one could use to describe a lion in spanish. Most animal names have a female and a male form but not all do. In fact the spanish word for animal is animal although watch out for the plural the animals which is los animales in the list below you will see the spanish word for dog perro.
Esto es un león. Therefore in order to make it easier to read and memorize animal names in spanish we have divided this list into five sections. Elephant el elefante. In today s lesson we will learn how to say names of different animals in spanish.
This is a lion. Seal la foca. You can also view these sentences with translations from english to spanish. Lion el lión.